Giving New Dads the best possible Start

use The New Dads Accelerator To Fast track to Fatherhood Fame

“I would strongly encourage new dads to access The New Dads Accelerator. It provides a focussed and fresh approach to the dynamics of fatherhood. I feel lucky to have accessed this course after birth of our second child. My only wish is that I'd accessed the course after the birth of our first.”

"More open in terms of discussions at home regarding parental roles and team approach. Also encouraged to be more of a present dad and not just focused on bread winning - now think of it more as gathering. Overall its been a game changer at very important time in our lives."

What do dads say are the emotional and practical impacts of fatherhood?

Introducing The New Dads Accelerator

The New Dads Accelerator is a structured course that helps “first year fathers” create the foundations needed to navigate the complexity of modern fatherhood , gaining clarity of thought about what they really want and arming them with the skills to take control of their own circumstances, and the awareness to create equitable, harmonious relationships with their partners.

The course content is divided into 5 modules and over 35+ lessons - featuring a blend video and written content, exercises and inspiration.

The content can be experienced as a self taught online course or joining with other dads on a 6 week online group coaching course that can be enhanced with 1 to 1 coaching.

Supporting New Dads

What do Our Dads Say?

“I would strongly encourage new dads to access The New Dads Accelerator. It provides a focussed and fresh approach to the dynamics of fatherhood. I feel lucky to have accessed this course after birth of our second child. My only wish is that I'd accessed the course after the birth of our first.”

"More clarity on holistic management of life with a new child. More oversight of personal and long term goals"

"The course has made me more aware of the change in identity and roles of each parent and I find myself reflecting on this more than I had before. As a result I feel I can approach family life with a more balanced viewpoint. I am developing an awareness of the issues that are faced by mum's every day which don't play out so much with fathers."

What Do Their Partners Say?

Q. What pressures did your partner face before starting The New Dads Accelerator?

"Work life balance and a lack of sleep."
"Work life balance, financial implications and being the ‘perfect’ dad."
"A very demanding job and commute, feeling guilty about not seeing enough of me and our son, not feeling as though he was supportive enough of us."

Q. What positive changes have you seen in him as a result of the course?

"More conversations about shared responsibility."
"Better mental space, accepting that there is no such thing as a perfect dad, accepting that I would know the kids a little better and how to look after them."
"More open to discussing the difficult topics, more of a team player, more self-awareness."

Q. How have these positive changes improved your life?

"Greater appreciation of what's needed to make us happy as a family of four."
"A lot calmer with the children, better work life balance, realising that he can do it all"
"We have much more open communication... I feel like we are sharing the load a lot more which has been a huge relief for me, and I feel much more optimistic about our future as a family "

As seen In…

What is included?

1) Discover Your Values, Priorities and True Purpose

2) Develop Your Communication Skills and Nurture Key Relationships.-

3) Create A Work Life Balance That Delivers the Priorities That Really Matter to You.

✅ Five core modules - bite size video, short lessons and homework activities to fit in with busy lives.

✅ Lifetime access to content and future updates. Revisit as many times as you need.

Module 1 - Identity Shift

Module 2 - Your Dad Foundations

Module 3 - Identifying Your Path

Module 4 - Manage Your Wellbeing

Module 5 - Build A Deeper Relationship With Your Partner

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Introducing Ian Dinwiddy - Your Course Host

I was 11 years old when our mum’s multiple sclerosis broke any domestic gender role expectations I might have had as a young teenager in a family of males.

At 33, becoming a dad showed me how challenging the early stages of fatherhood can be - identity, anxiety and mixed emotions, it also demonstrated that work and ‘status’ don’t define a man.

I was 35, in 2012, when 1 year old George Burke’s sudden death, followed 5 days later by the suicide of his dad, my friend, Paul, showed how fragile life can be. The devastation these events caused, painfully illustrates the importance of both crisis support for mental health trauma and normalising men feeling comfortable talking about their emotions, worries and pressures.

An ex Management consultant, twice a stay at home dad and an English National League hockey umpire, I’m the co-host of 46 episodes of the Lockdown Dads podcast, where we interviewed politicians, PhDs and an international rock star.

I deliver webinars such as “Why Supporting New Dads at Work Is The Route to Gender Equality” and workshops covering topics such as “Managing The Emotional and Practical Impacts of Becoming a Dad” and “The Dad You Want To Be - Tips For Fathering Success.”

The New Dads Accelerator Options

Online Course

Access content at your own pace…

✅ Never fall behind!

✅ 5 modules.

✅ 35+ Lessons.

✅ Life time access to content and updates.

✅ Enhance your experience with 1-2-1 coaching.

✅ Bulk discounts available for employee benefits programmes.

>> Click here to discover free sample content

enrol in course content today


Group Coaching

Perfect for…

✅ Organisations who want to create an exclusive branded experience to support a number of dads.

✅ Men who want a safe, supportive space working alongside other dads.

✅ Maximum of 12 per cohort.

✅ 5 live video group calls to support learning and discussion.

✅ Life time access to content and updates.

>> Click here to discover free sample content

Next Course starts 23rd Oct


Group Coaching + 1-2-1

All the benefits of Group Coaching plus 1-2-1 support.

✅ Organisations can create an exclusive branded experience to support a number of their new dads.

✅ For men who want a safe, supportive space working alongside other dads.

✅ Maximum of 12 per cohort.

✅ 5 live video group calls to support learning and discussion.

✅ Life time access to content and updates.

>> Click here to discover free sample content

Next Course starts 23rd Oct

£449 (includes an hour of 1 2 1 coaching)

Register Your interest here for the Next Group Coaching Course > starts 23rd October


Register Your interest here for the Next Group Coaching Course > starts 23rd October ***

"Well worth it, even if you think you're eyes are open, it opens them wider and gives you options on how to improve."

"Excellent resource to foster your own thoughts and development as a new parent. Important life long reflective skills."

Contact us to discuss enrolling more than one colleague into The New Dads Accelerator.